First new bird I saw was a lovely male Wheatear. A female appeard as well but I didn't get a shot as some idiot let there dog run under the fence which then chased all the birds away (including the pair of Wheatear). Fortunately I did get a shot of the male.
73. Wheatear
I also saw a lovely pair of avoecets from the wader hide.
74. Avocets
I then headed to the beach where I saw a large flock of Sandwich terns. I was especially pleased to see these as they were the bird I had gone for. Sadly I couldn't get too close but at least I got a group shot.
75. Sandwich Terns
I also saw a pair of Oystercatchers on the beach.
76. Oystercatchers
After Rye I headed to Dungeness for an hour or two. Managed to get a good sighting of a tree sparrow
The only new species for my list I managed to photograph was a Meadow Pipit. I did see Bearded tits but was unable to get a photo. Also heard a bittern booming but sadly did not see it.
Also saw a couple of Marsh Harriers while trying to see the Bittern. Over half way there now but it's getting harder!