Monday, 31 March 2014

Had a day off last week so thought I would take advantage of being able to go out midweek by visiting Rye Harbour. Had been advised that March was a ggod time to see Sandwich terns so thought I would give it a go.
First new bird I saw was a lovely male Wheatear. A female appeard as well but I didn't get a shot as some idiot let there dog run under the fence which then chased all the birds away (including the pair of Wheatear). Fortunately I did get a shot of the male.
73. Wheatear

I also saw a lovely pair of avoecets from the wader hide.
74. Avocets
I then headed to the beach where I saw a large flock of Sandwich terns. I was especially pleased to see these as they were the bird I had gone for. Sadly I couldn't get too close but at least I got a group shot.
75. Sandwich Terns
I also saw a pair of Oystercatchers on the beach.
76. Oystercatchers
After Rye I headed to Dungeness for an hour or two. Managed to get a good sighting of a tree sparrow
The only new species for my list I managed to photograph was a Meadow Pipit. I did see Bearded tits but was unable to get a photo. Also heard a bittern booming but sadly did not see it.
Also saw a couple of Marsh Harriers while trying to see the Bittern. Over half way there now but it's getting harder!

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Another Day in London

My son has just got a DSLR camera and new lens so I asked him to choose somewhere to go to use it - he chose Kensington Gardens as he wanted to see an owl. He wasn't disappointed and we all had a great day out.
Although I had already been to Kensington twice I did manage some new species for my challenge. We also spent the afternoon at the WWT in Barnes which was great and certainly a place we will return to as a family.
66. Mandarin Duck

67. Greylag Goose
68. Coal Tit
69. Magpie
70. Treecreeper
71. Black Headed Gull
72. Brambling

I also managed a few shots I like of birds I have already photographed:

Sunday, 2 March 2014

A Sanderling at Last!

I have been to various beaches during the winter in the hopes of photographing a Sanderling but never managed to get one. Yesterday I went down to Worthing to photograph a Little Gull which was showing very well (but was a bugger to try and photograph due to it's fast and erratic flight!). I had hoped to see a Grey Wagtail too but sadly couldn't locate any. As the sun was out I assumed the beach would be packed with people but it was completely empty apart from a number of waders which I managed to photograph. I managed to get my Sanderling and also got a decent Dunlin picture. I would have got a good ringed plover picture but having spent about 10 minutes crawling on my tummy along the beach to creep up on it (much to the amusement of people walking along the coast road!) someone came onto the beach and scared it off!

63. Lttle Gull

64. Teal 

65. Sanderling
