Sunday, 29 June 2014

A few bits and bobs from over the last few weeks.

Since the World cup started I have not had a chance to get much photography done. I've been out a couple of times but have not really been out for long. I have managed a few new species however and am getting toward my target slowly. I honestly didn't think I'd manage a Short Toed Eagle before House Martin but the Ashdown Forest Eagle provided fairly good views enabling me to get a shot. Also saw my first ever Turtle Dove today :)
The following shots were taken at varying locations over the last month or so at various locations.

114. Great Crested Grebe

115. Little Tern

116. Stonechat

117. Short Toed Eagle

118. Turtle Dove

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Around Kent and Sussex

Since getting back from the Peak District I have had a few days out around Sussex and Kent. I figured I would make the most of the fact I have slightly more free time now the football season has finished (and with the world cup starting soon my free time will disappear as I do intend to watch every game!!). I managed a few new species and improved on shots of a few others.

First stop was Arundel where I managed to add Pheasant to my list (to be honest I have seen loads and only just realised I hadn't inclded it yet!). Was also nice to get a better shot of a common tern.

109. Pheasant

Common Tern:

Oare Marshes was the next place I went and managed to add Black Tailed Godwit to the list.
110: Black Tailed Godwits

Saw a bearded tit but failed to get a shot as it flew too quick and didn't reappear. Next stop was Shellness where I was hoping to see Little Tern but sadly none about. I did manage to add one species to the list however:
111. Ringed Plover
Was also nice to see a summer plumage dunlin:

I went to Elmley marshes next and although no new species was pleased with a couple of shots:

Yellow Wagtail:

Also managed to photograph a hare while I was there:

The next place I visited was Loder Valley at Wakehurst Place. I managed to see and photograph one of my favourite birds. I'll definitely be going back there again as I love kingfishers and have been trying to get a shot of one for over a year!
112: Kingfisher

Also nice to see Grey Wagtails around:

And finally a shot I forgot to add to my Peak District post!
113: Whinchat

Short trip to the Peak District

Over the school half term my sons both went to Barcelona (lucky gits!) on a school trip. My wife and I thought we would take advantage of having some time to ourselves to visit the Peak District - a place neither of us had been before.
We went on various walks and when it rained visited some lovely national trust buildings. I also managed a few shots toward my target including a couple of birds I have never seen before :)
The best place for photographs was at Stanage Edge - it was a nice day and crowded with tourists but there was one small area with few people in where I managed a few shots:
106: Red Grouse

107. Ring Ouzel


Not a bird but I was pleased with this shot of a stoat:
108: Pied Wagtail
Went to Dove Stone Reservoir RSPB reserve and saw pretty much nothing! However we did meet a guy who told us of a good spot to see Dippers. Sadly I knocked my camera and ended up shooting with all the wrong settings!! Did get 1 or 2 half decent shots though.

Overall a lovely few days away and a much needed break :)