Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Nearly at the end

Pretty much at the end of my challenge now. Christmas will mainly be family time and although I will try and get out a couple of times I'm not sure I will be able to get many (if any) new species so this may be it. Managed a few new ones at the start of December however including at least 2 birds I had never seen before. Started with a common bird I nearly missed out on though:
167: Song Thrush

Went out photographing Short Eared Owls at the start of December but on the way there saw some (rather distant) Grey Partridges.
168: Grey Partridge
One of the shots I managed whilst looking for SEO was this one of a Short Eared Owl attacking a Red Kite - not new species for this challange but a shot I liked.

Next Species I managed to shot was this Tundra Bean Goose near Shoreham - again another new one for me :)
169: Tundra Bean Goose

Last winter I tried unsuccessfully for Hawfinches on a number of occasions. Tried for the first time this winter last week and (although distant) managed to see a group of 4. Managed an ok shot although will try and get a better one another time.
170. Hawfinch

Finally I went to Dungeness with my youngest a couple of days ago. Was fairly quiet and the Smew that had been reported all seemed to be hiding but managed a (distant) Ruddy Duck

171. Ruddy Duck

Rather closer were a pair of very confiding Cattle Egrets - managed to see these earlier in the year but they were too distant to shoot. This time they were nice and close.
172; Cattle Egret

Happy Christmas :)