Sunday 5 January 2014

A morning on the coast.

Had a good morning but sadly the best photo opportunities occurred when the sun went in so the pics aren't as good as I'd like (still pleased with them though!). 141 to go :)
(Tried to enlarge all the pics but it only gave me the option for 2 of them for some reason - still trying to get to grips with this blogging lark!!)
6. Greater Black Backed Gull

7. Little Egret
8. Purple Sandpipers
9. Red Breasted Mergansers
and not a new bird but a few more turnstone pics!


  1. Off to a good start in the difficult conditions then Glenn :-)

    The larger size photo's look better, do you think :-)

  2. By the way Glenn, here's a tip. When you've enlarged your photo's you can adjust the width of the side bar and main text page to stop the text running into your photo's.

    To do this - click on DESIGN at the top right of your blog page, then click on TEMPLATES on the list of options on that page. Next click on CUSTOMISE, which is in an orange box on my blog, then on the list of options click ADJUST WIDTHS.

    Two sets of sliders come up at the top of the page and you can adjust the widths of the columns. Of interest I have set mine to 1310 on the''whole Blog'' slider and 390 to the ''side bar'' slider :-) click the ''APPLY TO BLOG'' when you've done :-)

    Sounds a lot to do but it takes a minute or two only :-)

  3. Thanks Warren.
    The pictures do definitely look better when they are larger but for some reason it will only let me enlarge 2 of them (no idea why!!)
    It's a real shame as I was really pleased with the detail on the Red Breasted Merganser (given the distance) but you can't see it on the small picture (although if you click it it shows a bigger more detailed picture)
